Archive of Projects and Client Firms
Corbin Forensics or its predecessor companies (Decision Resources Inc., Kroll Decision Resources, CorbinPartners Inc.) have carried out assignments for courts and regulatory bodies at every level of Canada’s judicial system, and for American Circuit Courts, through the respected law firms listed below. Some of these firms have merged since the time of Corbin Forensics’ assignments with them, or modified their names.
Clients of market intelligence projects, for decision-making and risk management
Financial Institutions
- Alberta Treasury Branches
- American Express
- AVCO Canada, market segmentation, and new service development for clients of modest means
- Bank of Canada
- Bank of Montreal
- Canada First Financial Group
- Canadian Bankers Association: market evaluation of debit card bank service processes and customer-technology interaction
- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
- Canadian Tire Acceptance
- Continental Insurance
- Eaton's Credit
- Household Trust/Household Finance
- Investors' Group
- London Life
- Marathon Brokerage
- National Trust – new service development research
- Questrade
- Royal Bank
- Scotiabank
- Temenos International
- Toronto Dominion Bank/TD GreenLine
- Trust Company Association of Canada
Governments, Regulators and NGO’s
- Industry Canada
- Department of Justice for Canada
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner, Canada
- Copyright Board of Canada
Medical Profession Research
- Glaxo Smith-Kline
- Searle Canada: Multi-project collaboration on Market segmentation, profitability analysis, strategy consulting to management, and compilation of 15000 patient data base on NSAID usage
- Mount Sinai Hospital Wasser Pain Management Centre, experiences with Pelvic Pain (presented to hospital wide seminar for professional staff, and attracted “best in class” market research industry award)
- Blue Cross: Brand audit across member companies
National and International Corporations
- Air Canada
- Air Ontario
- Amaya
- Cayman Airlines
- Bell Canada
- EFFEM (makers of “M&M’s”)
- General Foods
- Kraft
- Loblaws
- Shell Canada: industrial market segmentation
- Toyota
Projects for Not-for-Profits, pro-bono in whole or part
- Canlii
- United Way, market segmentation for strategic direction
- Ontario Association of Art Galleries, market segmentation for strategic direction
- Giles School, intellectual property valuation (Attracted “Award of Excellence” by Giles School for lead author)
- Conference Board of Canada
- CBC: Customer orientation training for news producers
- Southam Inc: employee satisfaction study
- The Globe and Mail
Partnerships in Service Delivery
2001-2003: partnered with Léger Marketing to establish that firm’s litigation research practic
2003-2022: established long-term partnership with Canadian Viewpoint, to deliver litigation surveys consistent with Canadian court standards for expert evidence
1994: partnered with the University of Toronto, Faculty of Management, to offer outsourced customized library research services to Canada’s public and private corporations.
1994: Partnered with Angus Reid Group to provide strategic research projects during the transition of three employees from Angus Reid Group to Decision Resources Inc.
Partnered with Conference Board of Canada, to prepare the policy paper for the Government of Canada titled “Intellectual Property in the 21st Century.” Top-recommended reading on Industry’s Canada’s monthly list, basis for invited address to a private conference of OECD, and for invited address to the Parliamentary Task Force on Intellectual Property Policy
JNL International Inc., multi-year strategic partner on JNL’s financial service assignments worldwide