Principal's Message 

Corbin Forensics, through its predecessor companies, was the first in Canada to establish practice standards and templates for social science expert evidence.   Its expert reports have been featured in a majority of all cases in the Federal Court of Canada where evidence has called for analysis of people’s perceptions, intentions and behaviour.  Canada’s major texts and authorities on social science evidence have been authored by Corbin Forensics professionals. A university course on “Judgment and Decision-making” was designed in concert with a (now) justice of the Ontario Superior Court, and became an over-subscribed course offering at Osgoode Hall Law School.  It is gratifying to have been at the helm of these important contributions to the administration of justice and the education of our judges and regulators. 
I extend heartfelt thanks to the law firms, corporations and government offices who continue to express confidence in the work of our firm.  The respect is mutual.    

Ruth M. Corbin, ICD.D., Ph.D, Hon. LL.D
Founder and Principal